In a disturbing incident, a buyer slapped the department head of the State Financial institution of India inside his cabin. The incident occurred on the SBI Wadwani Department in Beed, Maharashtra. The department supervisor was assaulted by Dhanraj Rajabhau Mundhe.
Department Head of SBI, Wadwani Department, Beed, Maharashtra assaulted by miscreant Dhanraj Rajabhau Mundhe.
FIR loaded, However no arrest until now.
— Newton Kumar (@idesibanda) June 27, 2024
What’s the matter?
Buyer got here for signature verification for the agency. BM informed them paperwork accordingly however whereas submitting the shape they wrote agency title completely different for the account. BM denied for verification on account of mismatch. Then all this assault began.
This incident has raised severe issues in regards to the security of bankers. Such incidents needs to be addressed urgently, and the wrongdoer needs to be arrested as quickly as attainable.